Welcome to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship! We are a community of students at Carnegie Mellon University who strive to know God and make Him known.
With CMU finally moving back into in-person, IVCF will also prayfully begin in-person activities! Yay!
In conjunction with CMU's Inter-Fellowship Association, we have many events going on during orientation week which you may want to check out! For IV-specific events, check out our events page here!
To visit or learn more about getting involved, check out our Large Group page to learn about our regular gatherings, Small Groups page for our Bible studies, or our Events page for other fun happenings. We'd love to have you join us and are looking forward to meeting you!
This website mainly concerns the undergraduate chapter. For graduate students, please visit the national Graduate & Faculty Ministry website. To connect personally at CMU and receive emails about upcoming events, please email Kathy